Number One Tip for Increasing Revenue: Fill Your Appointments

Well-checks pay the bills. So if you’re not as scheduled as you should be, you will not collect what you could. In other words, you are leaving money on the table.
This means that every single patient should have a well-check visit scheduled.
You probably already have policies in place for your staff to run recalls and call patients. But it’s time to verify. It is not good enough to simply have a policy and hope it’s working.
Your office needs more systems.
When you see someone for a sick visit, whether in office or telemedicine, just check it out yourself to make sure they have something scheduled. If you are checking a lab or a message, make sure they are scheduled for their well check. Even if you saw them for their well check today, you need to make sure their next well-check is on the calendar.
If they don’t, you need to see if there are notes about trying to reach the patient. If there are no notes, it’s time to talk to your staff. That’s it – so simple!
Scheduling is the number 1 thing that I see in offices where the policy doesn’t match reality.
If you don’t get them scheduled for your office, someone else will be happy to see them when they can’t get on your schedule and they need their appointment.
Don’t lose your most significant source of revenue because you trusted the policy.